NFs governing documents
The faculty’s bylaws make up the foundation of our regulation and set up the long-term rules for the faculty’s administration. The bylaws are established by Faculty Meetings and can be altered after decisions made at two consecutive Faculty Meetings, where one of them is the Annual Meeting. The Faculty Club’s bylaws are found here. - (In Swedish)
The organization plan describes the model by which the faculty club organizes its management based on the framework that the bylaws outline. The plan is settled at a Faculty Meeting. The faculty club’s organization plan is found here. - (In Swedish)
The faculty club’s vision details the club’s goals and strategy during a three year period. The vision should be used as a starting point when the activity plan for a year is under development. The vision has to be approved at two consecutive Faculty Meetings. The faculty club’s vision is found here. - (In Swedish)
The regulations make up the rules for a limited part of the faculty’s organization and activity. Regulations are established at a Faculty Meeting. The faculty’s regulations are found here. - (In Swedish)
Policies mean to provide guidelines for a limited part of the faculty’s organization and activity. Policies are approved by the board and cannot effect Faculty Meetings or the work of the revisors and election committee. The faculty’s policy documents are found here. - (In Swedish)
Section rules are rules that relate to the activities of an individual section. Section rules are established by the Section Committee. The association's Section Rules can be found here.
The operational plan determines the faculty club’s activity during a year and means to set up concrete goals aligned with the faculty’s current vision. The operational plan for the year is approved by the Annual Meeting. The Election Meeting establishes a preliminary operational plan for the coming year. The faculty’s operational plan is found here. - (In Swedish)
The budget determines guidelines for the faculty’s economy for the year. The budget for the current year is approved at the Annual Meeting. The Election Meeting establishes a preliminary operational plan for the coming year. The faculty’s operational plan is found here. - (In Swedish)