"Wait a minute, KMS. Are you telling me you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?" Oh, yes we did!
OBS! Det är obligatorisk närvaro på interna för att få bli en marskalk. Ni som har uppfyllt kraven kommer, via mail, få betalningsinformation samt mer information om hela dagen.
Var: Gröna villan
När: 3e december
Tid: 19:14 med insläpp 18:00
Pris: 570kr / 600kr
Klädkod: Temaenligt
Inkluderat i priset: mat, punsch, nubbe, märken samt ovve ( TAGGISH!!!)
"Wait a minute, KMS. Are you telling me you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?" Oh yes we did!
ATTENTION! Attendance at interna is mandatory to become a marskalk. Those of you who have met the requirements will, via email, receive payment information and more information about the whole day.
Where: Gröna villan
When: 3th December
Time: 19:14 with entry from 18:00
Price: 570kr / 600kr
Dress code: Theme
Included in the price: food, punch, nubbe, brands and ovve (TAGGISH!!!)